TransLatin@ Coalition’s Statement Regarding Supreme Court Ruling that Prohibits Gender and Sexual Orientation Based Discrimination
Hundreds of transgender advocates and allies gather together outside of city hall in October 2018. Signs read, “Queer & Trans Liberation.”
June 15, 2020 - Earlier today the Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ+ workers could not be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. This ruling referenced and upheld Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of a person's sex, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity. This ruling comes just days after the United States president once again targets Trans rights, this time by erasing transgender civil rights protections in healthcare. It is a bittersweet win, especially under an administration that has consistently attacked the rights of transgender people and amidst the murders of our Black trans siblings, Riah Milton and Dominique “Rem’Mie” Fells.
As a trans-led organization that works with and alongside other Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Intersex (TGI) community members, we know far too well the barriers and levels of discrimination our communities face in the workforce. Often this discrimination excludes TGI people, particularly those of color, from job opportunities and professional advancements because of their gender identity, which in turn makes it even harder to survive.
Though we are excited to see how this ruling continues to open doors for TGI people nationally, we know that this is just one step in the right direction for justice for Black, Indigenous, TGI People of Color, we know it will take work to continue educating everybody on the need to uplift and cherish TGI people. Our organization is committed to continue to do the work that needs to be done to better the livelihood of all TGI people. We know that this is a long fight and we are counting on your continuous support for all of us to be ready to have many new people join us in our collective liberation and continue to see the justice that our community deserves.