Week of TGI Power Toolkit

California TGI Policy Alliance (CTPA)’s budget requests for $45million over 3 years for TGI health and wellness services and $75million over 3 years for TGI re-entry services were not included in the legislature’s budget package.  Now, we need to ask @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom to ensure that these critical funds are included in the final state budget!

CTPA is hosting a week of power to push for these critical funds to be allocated to our community.  See below the events that we will be hosting every day of the week of June 12, 2022.


SUN - 6/12

  • #GiveUsOurRoses Petitions @ LA Pride

MON 6/13

TUE 6/14

WED 6/15

THU 6/16

  • Sign-On Letters: Join the movement

FRI 6/17

  • TikTok TGI Takeover

SAT 6/18

  • Petitions @ Boyle Heights Pride & Hammer Museum


#GiveUsOurRoses Resistance Rally


Rest In Power our dear and beautiful sister Martixa Vidal.