Sandra Henriquez

Ms. Henriquez has worked in the anti-sexual and domestic violence movement since 1985 and has been in non-profit management since 1990. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, with emphasis on the study of culture and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA). Sandra believes that ending gender-based violence is everyone’s issue and has a strong interest in creating investment and partnerships with the business sector to prevent abuse.

Since 2010, Sandra Henriquez has served as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ValorUS (VALOR), formerly the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault/CALCASA, helping to elevate the profile of sexual violence throughout the state and nation. She believes that ending gender-based violence requires a holistic approach, which recognizes systematic inequities and oppression as root causes of violence. Henriquez has helped to transform the organization’s culture and strategies by centering the experiences of those who are most marginalized, amplifying their voices and focusing on creating systemic change. Under her leadership, VALOR has partnered with systems on behalf of incarcerated victims, immigrants in detention, farmworkers, and janitorial workers.


Roland Palencia