Our Vision

 The TransLatin@ Coalition envisions a world where transgender, gender non- conforming, and intersex (TGI) people are granted dignity, respect and autonomy in society, reflected through policy and systems that dictate our ability to live. Our purpose as the TransLatin@ Coalition is to amplify education, policy and resources to promote the empowerment of Transgender leadership to fulfill this vision. We foresee a world where those who are visibly and non-visibly[3] transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex can navigate the world without being demonized, fetishized, criminalized or murdered. TGI people experience discrimination in multiple aspects of society as a result of sociocultural factors that ‘other’[4] TGI people and a lack of comprehensive policy that protects our lives and

prohibits our mistreatment. TGI people deserve to be treated fairly socially, institutionally, and systemically. For too long we have been disenfranchised by a system that demeans our existence. It is time for us to thrive in a society and on land that has historically been ours. We are committed to advancing policies and practices that reflect this divine and moral vision.

Policy change works as a way of holding society and institutions accountable for violence and discrimination committed against us. We provide these local, state, and federal policy actions in hopes of improving and preserving the livelihood of TGI people in Los Angeles, California, across the country and globally. Investing in the collective liberation of the TGI community is a moral obligation and

works toward ensuring the health of the larger population within the United States and beyond.

Use these agenda action items as a resource for advocacy and community organizing across the country, with information specific to the state of California. The vision for this report is informed by data collected from our statewide survey, in-person strategy sessions, community conversations, past reports, impacted friends and family, in-depth research and advocate input; all credible and valuable forms of knowledge and understandings of TGI experiences.


Context & Background | #TransPolicyAgenda


Trans & GNC Ecosystem | #TransPolicyAgenda