TransLatin@ Coalition Monthly Advocacy Update
Start the Day with Some Tea
The Women’s March includes Trans Womxn across the country
In January, TransLatin@ Coalition President Bamby Salcedo and Policy Strategist and Organizer Michaé Pulido both spoke at the Women’s march held in Washington DC and Los Angeles. We spoke to the importance of trans inclusion in women’s movements and how we need to be validated as women just as much as the cis population. It was a historic moment to have two trans women of color take up space in a movement that has historically tried to exclude us.
To watch Bamby Salcedo’s powerful Women’s March Speech, click HERE.
Did you Know?? Its legal in 47 states to use the Gay and Trans Panic Defense.
Gay and Trans Panic Defenses are utilized in the courts as ways to allow perpetrators to plead guilty under the argument that an individual's’ sexual orientation or gender identity justifies a loss of self-control, the use of physical violence, or assault. This defense further rationalizes our country’s deeply rooted homophobia and transphobia and allows it to be used against our people in the legal process. Lack of legislation with explicit prohibition of the use of this defense reveals a lack of value associated to the lives of LGBTQ+ people across the United States. The use of the Gay and Trans Panic Defense is only prohibited in 3 states: California, Illinois, and Rhode Island.
Read more about the history of these defenses HERE.
The HOPE House is a transgender transitional living program in LA.
The HOPE House is a 6 month transitional living program for transgender, gender non-conforming and intersex people in Los Angeles. The qualifications are as follows:
Valid form of ID (Drivers License, Passport, ID, etc.)
Case Manager Referral Letter
30 days proof of employment
TB Test Results
Intake Packet completed at TransLatin@ Coalition (3055 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 350, LA CA 90010)
To apply, please send the above documents to: and we will will follow up with you for an appointment.
In Los Angeles
We honored the life of Viccky Gutierrez
Viccky was a young trans Latina woman from Honduras, and a member of TransLatin@ Coalition. In January, we honored the 1-year anniversary of her passing and held a mass with community members, friends, and family. We will continue to fight for the justice of our people and to keep our people safe. We all have stories similar to Viccky’s. The same power, the same strength, the same love, the same beauty. You are not forgotten and we will continue to organize in your honor. Rest in Power.
TransLatin@ Coalition participated in the #CareNotCages Rally and Press Conference in opposition to the construction of a Women’s Jail in Mira Loma.
TransLatin@ Coalition is a part of a Los Angeles Based coalition named JusticeLA, whose mission is to stop the 3.5 billion dollar jail construction plan in LA county and to reclaim, reimagine and reinvest in our communities. LA County does not need new jail construction. Through diversion, decriminalization, bail reform, and investment in community-based resources the County can successfully lower its jailed population size. Jails and prisons are unsafe facilities for our people, especially because of the bias-based profiling and policing practices utilized by law enforcement against trans and GNC people. To add, housing placements for trans and GNC people are based on genitalia, leading many trans women to be housed in men’s facilities and putting us at risk for abuse, harassment, and mistreatment. We advocate for community-based rehabilitation and demand that this 3.5 billion dollar funding be utilized in ways that help our communities, rather than further incarcerate them.
Join us on February 12th @ 10AM for the final rally and push toward ending this harmful jail plan. February 12th will be the single most important day in the history of the Los Angeles jail fight. That is when the LA Board of Supervisors will reopen the conversation around the jail plan, so NOWis the time to put pressure on the supervisors andthe sheriff to reject both the women's jail (Mira Loma) and the mental health jail (CCTF).
Click HERE for ways to get involved. And sign the petition to stop the construction of the new mental health jail HERE.
UTLA Strike
On January 14th, United teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) hosted a citywide strike demandingsmaller class sizes for our students as well as a full-time nurse and counselor in our buildings 5 days a week.Bringing attention to the privatization of education and the de-prioritization of the wellbeing of public school students. #DOWN.
In the State
Gender Identity Bill – Non- binary gender markers went into effect January 1st!
In 2017, SB 179-The Gender Recognition Act was signed into law, which deletes the requirement that an applicant requesting a name or gender marker change have undergone any treatment (i.e. hormone therapy or surgical reassignment), and instead would authorize a person to submit to the State Registrar an application to change gender on the birth certificate and testify that the request for a change of gender is to conform the person’s legal gender to the person’s gender identity and not for any fraudulent purpose. In short, you can change your name and gender marker without permission from anyone else, only you. You can also get an ‘X’ on your drivers license or ID if you identify as non-binary and choose to. Big deal! Hopefully this policy is respected in implementation, but it is one step toward reclaiming and validating our identities as trans, GNC, or intersex.
Learn about how to apply for a non-binary California ID or Driver's License HERE.
Governor Newsom’s inauguration happened and he’s released his Budget Proposal
Last year, folks in California voted for a new governor to take over after Governor Jerry Brown. The election resulted in the election of Gavin Newsom to represent the state of California. This past month, he was inaugurated and we are hoping that he takes a stance with trans people and prioritized us in his efforts. Thus far, he’s made claims about ending private prisons, protecting immigrant families and continuing strides in reforming the unjust prison system to end overcrowded prisons, but little to no mention has been made about how he plans to address the unjust conditions TGI people are facing daily in California and throughout the country. He also released his proposed annual budget in which we will be releasing a budget analysis that provides recommendations to address the lack of resources allocated to the TGI community. Check that out in the following week on our website.
Across the Country
The New Congress is now in Session
The 116th Congress was sworn in this January. This was one of the most diverse swearing in ceremonies of all time, but still we see a lack of trans leadership, especially among trans women of color. We applaud those women of color who have made their way into the system and we invite you to take a stance with trans people.This year in California, TransLatin@ Coalition will be engaging more deeply in policy work across the state. Stay tuned to see how you can get involved.
Trump continues to terrorize our people at the border
Under the Trump administration, the amount of xenophobia perpetuated by ICE and CBP has dramatically harmed our communities. They have tear gassed our people, have separated families, children and trans womxn have died while in US custody, and they are continuously seeking ways to make the asylum process more difficult. Our rapid response coordinator is providing direct support to trans women being released from Cibola Detention Center in New Mexico and we are working to implement programming within immigration detention facilities to assist our people.
The Trans Military Ban
The Supreme Court granted the Trump administration's requestto begin implementing its discriminatory ban of military service by transgender people, putting the honorable service of thousands of troops and military readiness on the line. Regardless on your views on war, militarism, and globalization we all gotta agree that this effort is purely fueled in discrimination and further demeans our existence as trans people. Here are some points via the National Center for Transgender Equality:
President Trump's attempts to defend this ban are farcical at best and only serve to defame thousands of transgender troops.
Current and retired senior leaders across all four military branches have decried the ban, recognizing the service of transgender people benefits the military and had no negative impact on unit cohesion or morale.
The military sets a core standard of unity and acceptance for American society, with implications extending far past military bases and recruitment offices. Today's action is an attack on transgender people around the nation.
It is more important than ever for Congress to act immediately to defend thousands of brave and honorable transgender service members from this destructive President.
The proposed ban has already been condemned by members of both parties in the House and the Senate.
We stand with our TransTroops and the efforts of this administration to exclude us from all institutions will not break us.
New York City passes the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA)
“After 16 years of attempts, the New York State Legislature has finally passed a bill that protects transgender people from discrimination. In 100-40 and 42-19 votes on Tuesday morning, respectively, the State Assembly and the State Senate voted to pass the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, or GENDA, which adds gender identity as a protected class in the areas of housing, employment, and public accommodations.”
Tennessee: Cyntoia Brown Granted Clemency
After 15 years in prison, Cyntoia Brown, sex trafficking survivor, was granted clemency after killing a man who had picked her for sex when she was 16. Cyntoia was tried as an adult, was convicted by a Davidson County jury in 2006 of first-degree murder and aggravated robbery. She was sentenced to life in prison and would not have been eligible for parole until 2055. She was criminalized for defending herself against abusers and simply trying to escape her trafficking situation.
Cases like these are not uncommon, such is the case with Ky Peterson, a young Black trans man, who was walking home from a convenience store when he was attacked and knocked unconscious. When he came to from the blows, he was being raped. Fearing for his life, Ky fought back. In the midst of the struggle, Ky shot his attacker, killing him. He was sentenced 20 years in prison because police and the courts did not believe he was a victim.
If you are on social media, you can help build momentum to support Ky‘s freedom by posting a photo of yourself with a message of solidarity, using the hashtag #Justice4Ky and tagging @KyPeterson1 on Twitter and The Free KyProject on Facebook.
Calls to Action & Community Updates
TransLatin@ Coalition Policy Agenda Launch and Reception!
For the past 6 months, the TransLatin@ Coalition has been developing the#TransPolicyAgendawhich outlines policy solutions and demands to real issues that the trans, GNC, and intersex community are facing across the country.We have led strategy sessions with community to learn about the policy process and identify the most urgent issues among our people, we conducted a statewide online survey to ask community across the state of California to about the barriers our people face in various different localities, and now it's time to show you all!
Please join us for our launch and reception as we present the #TransPolicyAgenda and learn about ways you can get involved in the movement to improve conditions of our people. There will also be performances and music! Food and drinks will be available.
RSVP HERE and find the Facebook event HERE.
The California Endowment is located on 1000 Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The closest metro station to this location is Union Station.
Protect your trans siblings! We have lost one so far in 2019.. #SayHerName
The first reported death of a trans womxn of color happened the first week of January in Alabama, her name isDana Martin. Dana passed as 31 year old black trans woman. Investigations are occurring but, even if the person responsible for her death is found, her murder cannot be charged as a hate crime. Alabama state law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity as protected classes.
Black trans woman shot in Houston
“A 24 year old Black trans woman known as Pinky was chased Thursday morning through a busy Chevron station parking lot just after 11 AM CST. The gun wielding miscreant shot at Pinky twice, cornered her by the front door of the gas station located on the corner of Beltway 8 and Richmond Ave in West Houston, and fired three shots at her at point blank range.” via TransGriot.
Houston officials need to take action and stand up for Black trans women.
PWN Fellowship
The Positive Women's Network – USA (PWN-USA) launched applications for the third year of their Policy Fellowship for Women and People of Trans Experience Living with HIV. The goal of the 9-month Fellowship is to increase participants' ability to engage effectively in federal policy and advocacy. In the current political environment marred by threats to sexual and reproductive rights, basic health care, the social safety net, and civil and human rights, it is critical that our community is equipped with a wide array of tools to support vibrant, visionary, and strategic advocacy on behalf of their communities.
Find an overview of the program HERE.
WPI Local Fellowship
WPI-LOCAL is a year-long policy advocacy fellowship that delivers trainings and tools, builds networks, and develops leadership to win local policy campaigns and to build power and organizing infrastructure throughout California! It is designed for advocates who want to enter the halls of power on behalf of their community to make an impact through policy advocacy. To apply you will need a team of four collaborators and an idea for a local-level policy project that will advance gender, racial and economic justice. Find the application HERE.
Let us know here at the coalition if you want to apply for either of these fellowships! We would love to support you in the application process.
Is there anything happening in your area?
Is anything happening your state/city you think we should know about? Let us support you. Email: or click HERE to sign up for the Statewide Resource List.
Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate you and will continue to fight and advocate for you.