TGI community comes together to demand our ROSES

We want to thank all the beautiful people who attended the Give Us Our Roses Rally last night.
Thank you to our community advisory board, our staff, our amazing speakers, and the spectacular performances that rang TGI power all night.
This event was initiated by TRANS, GENDER NON-CONFORMING, and INTERSEX (TGI) people being ignored by the California legislature, governor, and the department of public health for community-based funding for our communities - We are demanding they give us our roses - WHILE WE ARE STILL HERE.
TLC's Policy Department has been working diligently with the California TGI Policy Alliance (@ca_tgipolicy) to push legislation that gives our community resources to not just survive but to thrive. We are asking for TGI Health and Wellness funds, we are asking for TGI community-led re-entry services - our coalition is especially accountable to TGNCI Black, Indigenous and of color communities on these specific issues.
This event was also a celebration—TGI people are resilient, loving, and unique—we said we'll give ourselves our own roses! On the 53rd anniversary of Stonewall, we celebrated our community and uplift our voices to say WE ARE HERE - GIVE US OUR ROSES.