Elevating Trans Voices: The TransLatin@ Coalition's Presence in the White House

In recent years, The TransLatin@ Coalition has been at the forefront of advocating for policies that uplift and support the transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGI) community. Through collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication, the Coalition has played a pivotal role in shaping discussions and policies to improve TGI individuals' lives across the United States.

One significant milestone in this journey has been the Coalition's presence in the White House, where they have had the opportunity to address key decision-makers and advocate for the needs and rights of TGI people. Reflecting on these experiences, Bamby Salcedo, the President/CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition, shares insights into the importance of representation and advocacy in such spaces.

"For me, it’s not just being in those spaces, but being in those spaces and advocating, not only occupying the seats. If I'm on a planning committee, it intentionally speaks louder than words, but you need to put the money where your mouth is. Resources are there; it’s just we need to push for these resources to be a reality for our communities."

– Bamby Salcedo, President and CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition

Bamby recalls her first visit to the White House during the Obama administration, where they participated in a briefing on the issues facing transgender women, particularly transgender immigrant women of color. This experience marked a pivotal moment in Bamby's advocacy journey, highlighting the significance of having specific discussions on the challenges and violence experienced by the TGI community.

In subsequent years, Salcedo had the privilege of participating in various events organized by the White House, including the United State of Women summit in 2015 initiated by President Biden's Office of Violence Against Women. Being invited as a speaker at such events underscored the importance of TGI representation and showcased a commitment to addressing gender equity and inclusion at the highest levels of government.

The invitation to participate in Pride celebrations and discussions on gender equity with notable figures like UN Ambassador Susan Rice further emphasized the necessity of TGI visibility in policymaking spaces. Bamby emphasizes the importance of seizing these opportunities to advocate for meaningful change, especially in spaces dominated by cisgender and heterosexual individuals.

Bamby acknowledges that more than merely representation is needed; substantive action and resources are required to address the TGI community's systemic challenges. While progress has been made, particularly with recent acknowledgments of the TGI community in the State of the Union address, concrete measures are essential to ensure the safety, rights, and well-being of TGI individuals.

For Bamby and The TransLatin@ Coalition, being present in places like the White House is about occupying space and advocating for policies and resources that benefit the TGI community. Through our relentless efforts, we strive to make the humanity and dignity of TGI individuals visible and push for a future where equality and justice are realities for all.


Shedding Light on Persistent Challenges: The Legacy of The TransVisible Report


In Memory and Action: Honoring Lost Lives and Fighting for a Safer Future for TGI Communities