News Paolo Riveros News Paolo Riveros

Bamby Salcedo confía en el poder de la comunidad al enfrentar desafíos bajo la administración de Trump

“Hoy tenemos una administración que está viendo que sí estamos ascendiendo a nuestro poder como personas, y nos lo quieren quitar poco a poco. Pero de igual manera vamos a seguir, a abogar, a pelear, a rasguñar, a patear para asegurarnos de que sigamos existiendo.” - Bamby Salcedo, Presidenta y Directora de La Coalición TransLatin@

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News Paolo Riveros News Paolo Riveros

Bamby Salcedo Responds to Governor Newsom’s Opposition to Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports

Newsom made his declaration in an extended conversation with conservative activist Charlie Kirk, the 31-year-old who built the influential Turning Point USA organization that helped President Donald Trump increase his support last fall among the youngest generation of voters. Kirk, like Trump, has been a vocal opponent of allowing transgender women and girls to participate.

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Policy, News Paolo Riveros Policy, News Paolo Riveros

The TGI WE Initiative: A Historic Investment in Equity and Inclusion

Los Angeles County has made a significant stride towards equity and inclusion with the launch of the Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Intersex Wellness and Equity (TGIWE) Initiative. This groundbreaking $7 million investment represents a historic commitment to supporting nine organizations, providing them with the resources and guidance necessary to become future county contractors.

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Policy, Research, News The TransLatin@ Coalition Policy, Research, News The TransLatin@ Coalition

Investing in Trans Liberation: A Call to Action for the TGI Community with an Update to Our Trans Policy Agenda

The TransLatin@ Coalition is calling for a radical shift in the approach to Trans Liberation. For too long, the needs and experiences of transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGI) individuals have been overlooked and misunderstood by external forces. It is time to reclaim our narrative and invest in solutions that are driven by and for our community. Download the full document here to learn more about how we can build a future where Trans Liberation is not just a goal but a reality.

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