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Policy Agenda & Housing Report Launch

  • Plummer Park (Great Hall & Courtyard) 7377 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA, 90046 United States (map)

📅 Thursday, October 3, 2024
🕓 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
📍7377 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90046
📩 RSVP Here!

Come enjoy delicious tacos 🌮, great company, and make a difference together 💪

A Pathway Home: TGI Housing Report and an updated #TransPolicyAgenda are a collective effort from our amazing policy department led by Matt Inouye, with the hope that we all do anything and everything in our power so that we can better the lives of TGI people in Los Angeles.

“[…] we also understand that it will require all of us to make this happen. We believe that when we fight, we will win, that is why we are counting on you to help us build a better world for TGI people.” - Bamby Salcedo, President & CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition.


Ven a disfrutar de deliciosos tacos 🌮, buena compañía y hagamos una diferencia juntos 💪

A Pathway Home: TGI Housing Report y la #TransPolicyAgenda actualizada son un esfuerzo colectivo de nuestro increíble departamento de políticas dirigido por Matt Inouye, con la esperanza de que todos hagamos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para poder mejorar las vidas de las personas TGI en Los Ángeles.

“[…] también entendemos que será necesario que todos nosotr@s hagamos que esto suceda. Creemos que cuando luchamos, ganaremos, por eso contamos con ustedes para ayudarnos a construir un mundo mejor para las personas TGI”. - Bamby Salcedo, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de The TransLatin@ Coalition.

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