TransLatin@ Migrations: Life, Love & Triumphs Red Carpet Event on April 30.

Jimena Sandoval
833-847-2331, ext. 223
The Montalbán: 1615 Vine Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028


TransLatin@ Migrations: Life, Love & Triumphs


WHAT: The TransLatin@ Coalition is presenting a red carpet celebration, a special screening of the 25 inspiring short documentary stories of trans migrants who tell their stories of how they have courageously navigated this world and continue to persevere, and a panel presentation. 

WHO:  The TransLatin@ Coalition’s President/CEO Bamby Salcedo debuts as an Executive Producer of the anticipated TransLatin@ Migrations: Life, Love and Triumphs. A series of short documentaries of Trans Latin@ individuals who have crossed borders. This project was partially funded by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and by the LA vs Hate Program led by the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission. 

WHEN:  Saturday, April 30th, 2022 red carpet event starting  5:30 PM followed by a cocktail reception and movie screening

WHERE:  The Montalbán Theater 1615 Vine Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028.

WHY:  Trans Latin@ migrants come to the US for many reasons including seeking safety from persecution in their countries of origin, and for a chance at a better life to live. Despite the obstacles and challenges, they strive to live fruitful lives, full of strength and joy.

For more information about TransLatin@ Migrations: Life, Love & Triumphs, please visit for more info.

For interviews or additional information please contact Bamby Salcedo President/CEO of The Translatin@ Coalition, contact or 833-847-2331, ext. 202.
