The TransLatin@ Coalition Urges LA County and City Leaders to Invest $10M towards Trans, Gender Expansive, and Intersex (TGI) Wellness, Equity, and Care Coordination Programs

LOS ANGELES, CA -May 1- The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) will be presenting an “Unmet Needs Letter” to the LA County Chief Executive Office towards an equitable and intentional investment in the health and wellness of TGI communities throughout Los Angeles County.

WHAT:  TLC to hold a Press Conference presenting Unmet Needs Letter to LA county CEO to allocate $10 million toward TGI communities.

WHERE: 500 W Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Visitors Entrance inside Grand Park)

WHEN: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. 

Join TGI leaders and trans-led community-based organizations advocating for a more inclusive and equitable Los Angeles County budget that prioritizes the health and well-being of underserved communities. Amidst fractured national political climate, transphobic legislation, and deficit rhetoric, the City and County of Los Angeles can continue to be a refuge for TGI communities and invest in the livelihoods of traditionally marginalized residents and constituents.

As part of community-led policy and budget briefings with budget deputies at the Board of Supervisors, TLC looks forward to engaging community members with the County CEO and Departments towards funding care coordination and linkage services to build the capacity and community investment of TGI-led organizations.

“Through this county-city partnership, our local elected leaders can champion an investment from the Board of Supervisors of $7 million and $3 million from the LA City Council and Mayor’s office towards a historic investment for our communities to not simply survive but to thrive and be integrated in the civic fabric of our society.” said President and CEO Bamby Salcedo.

Speakers include:

  • Bamby Salcedo, President and CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition, Care First Community Investment Advisory Body Member

  • Jaden Fields, Co-Director. Mirror Memoirs. CA TGI Policy Alliance.

  • Megan Castillo, Policy and Advocacy Manager at La Defensa, and Coordinator of the Re-Imagine LA Coalition, Care First Community Investment Advisory Body Member

  • Queen Shannon Gipson, Unique Women’s Coalition. CA TGI Policy Alliance.

  • Trans Woman Community Elder. Testimony.


Founded in 2009, The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) is a nationwide, trans-led nonprofit organization advocating for the specific needs of the Trans Latin@ community in the United States. TLC’s primary focus is to change the landscape of access to services for transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGI) people and provide comprehensive guidance toward resources that will improve the quality of life of TGI people. Learn more at ​​.


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