The TransLatin@ Coalition Issues Statement On Assembly Bill 1314

The TransLatin@ Coalition issues the following statement regarding California Assembly Bill 1314:

The TransLatin@ Coalition vehemently stands opposed to this harmful attack on Transgender, Gender-Nonconforming and Intersex youth. We stand for education and the eradication of hateful ignorance by leading models of community-based public policy that empower the most marginalized voices to not just survive but to imagine and build a future where we thrive. 

This bill provisions: Building a state-funded local program so that “... a parent or guardian has the right to be notified in writing within 3 days from the date any [school mandated official] becomes aware that a pupil is identifying at school as a gender that does not align with the child’s sex on their birth certificate…”

This bill is a ludicrous demand for our already underfunded and low-performing education system to carry out genocidal transphobic and white supremacist state interests. Historically, this bill will target BIPOC TGI people the hardest.

The public servants, Members Essayli, of the 63rd State Assembly District, which resides over the areas of Lake Elsinore, Riverside, and Corona, and Member Gallagher, of the 3rd district which resides over Chico and Yuba City - are joining the attack-led nationwide calling for transgender genocide. 

We must fight to keep schools from becoming more of a hazard to our youth. Instead of protecting our state’s children from school shootings, the mental health/academic effects of living through a global pandemic, bullying, supporting them on increased STI/STD education or even building community resources to help - these politicians are choosing violence. 

Data indicates that “82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth,” according to the Trevor Project. Anyone proposing a bill that would only increase those numbers is not seeking to protect children.

We must truly consider the environment we are creating for our seeds of the future- the public school K-12 education system is one where we must be nurturing, open and honest, not indoctrinating a narrow political belief. 

The TransLatin@ Coalition will continue fighting for a fair and equitable future for all TGI people. Creating safe spaces where kids can express their gender identity and gender expression, including home, school, private, and public settings. 

We want to affirm that you are real. TGI people, we are real and no legislation or political platforms can ever negate or prescribe our presence, because we exist and will exist forever as tangible and beautiful human beings.


#WeAreTGILA – Support TGI Lives in Los Angeles


The TransLatin@ Coalition VP & COO Maria Roman-Taylorson appointed to the Human Relations Commission for the City of Los Angeles