The TransLatin@ Coalition on Governor Newsom’s Comments on Trans Youth in Sports

LOS ANGELES, CA — The TransLatin@ Coalition is extremely disappointed and enraged about the remarks made by Governor Gavin Newsom on his podcast on the issue of trans youth participating in sports. Bamby Salcedo, President and CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition, states:

“At a time when Two Spirit, Trans, Gender Expansive, and Intersex people (2TGI) are being politically targeted nationally, it's when we most need our elected officials to stand in solidarity with us and not turn their backs on us. The fact that Governor Newson is flip-flopping and aligning with extreme conservatives is a sign of our elected officials' hypocrisy.  Allowing someone to refer to the 2TGI community as “men in sports” and, in the same breath, say he is an advocate for the community is absolutely vile.

In these political times, more than ever, we need our government to stand with young 2TGI people and support them to the fullest. This is probably a stunt by our governor to align with extra conservatives to set himself up for the presidency, but he is fooling himself if he thinks this is the route”.


Founded in 2009, The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) is a nationwide, trans-led nonprofit organization advocating for the specific needs of the Trans Latin@ community in the United States. TLC’s primary focus is to change the landscape of access to services for transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGI) people and provide comprehensive guidance toward resources that will improve the quality of life of TGI people. Learn more at ​​.


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