Bamby Salcedo appointed by Governor Gavin Newson to the Commission on the State of Hate
The TransLatin@ Coalition is proud to congratulate our CEO and President Bamby Salcedo for being appointed by Governor Gavin Newson to the Commission on the State of Hate. The Commission will assess data on hate crimes in California, provide resources for victims, and make policy recommendations to better protect civil rights.
Rest In Power our dear and beautiful sister Martixa Vidal.
“It is with a very heavy heart that I have to share with you that our beautiful sister Maritxa Vidal who was one of our leaders in Chicago and a board member of our organization has passed away due to cancer.” -Bamby Salcedo
$13 million wellness and equity fund for trans communities is first of its kind in California [ABC 7]
Members of transgender communities just celebrated a historic win: a $13 million wellness and equity fund in California, which is the first of its kind in the nation.
Bamby Salcedo is president and CEO of The TransLatin@ Coalition, an L.A.-based organization that led the effort alongside more than 20 groups.
Seeds of Liberación (SOL) – Leadership Development Program Launch
In the Summer of 2019, the TransLatin@ Coalition and Gender Justice LA will bring together 15 TGI young people to participate in a 3-month leadership program.
The #TransPolicyAgenda will serve as a strategy that will support members of our community to get to a better place within our society.
Comunidad LatinX - Noticiero Estrella TV [VIDEO]
Latin-x un grupo de personas que no se fijan en el género sexual de la persona sino en la bondad de sus corazones.
This May Day, Join the HIV Community Movement for Expanded Sanctuary
A Joint Statement from Counter Narrative Project, HIV Prevention Justice Alliance, Positive Women's Network - USA, TransLatin@ Coalition, Treatment Action Group, the US People Living with HIV Caucus and Venas Abiertas
The Grand Opening Ceremony of The Center for Violence Prevention & Transgender Wellness
Thank you to all who have supported us and celebrated with us during the opening of The Center for Violence Prevention & Transgender Wellness on February 1, 2017.
The State of Trans Health – Trans Latin@s and Their Healthcare Needs
Our organization, in partnership with The California Endowment and Jacqueline Caraves embarked in a new task to amplify the needs of Trans Latin@s in the southern part of our golden state. The sole purpose of this project was to make an assessment about what are the needs that would make Trans Latin@s in southern California healthy individuals.