Flexing Our Political Muscle to Uplift TGI People
Our Policy Department is a component of The TransLatin@ Coalition that works for the betterment of the Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and Intersex (TGI) community by advocating for TGI people to be included in city, county, and state budgets.
AB 1487 Passes Assembly Health Committee With Help of Our CEO Bamby Salcedo’s Testimony
On Tuesday, April 11th, our President/CEO Bamby Salcedo testified on the Public Health: Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex Wellness Reentry Fund to voice support on AB1487 on the importance of the Reentry Services to our community.
Comunidad LatinX - Noticiero Estrella TV [VIDEO]
Latin-x un grupo de personas que no se fijan en el género sexual de la persona sino en la bondad de sus corazones.
Help TLC illuminate the challenges for trans and gender non-conforming (GNC) workers [VIDEO & SURVEY]
A series of training videos designed to illustrate the challenges of trans and gender non-conforming (GNC) people. Help TLC in our research to find solutions to bettering the lives of trans and GCN individuals in the workforce.
G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show 2017 Photo Montage [VIDEO]
A video of a collection of moments from the 2017 TransLatin@ Coalition's G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show held in Downtown LA on Nov 4th 2017.
What is the Transgender Policy Institute? [VIDEO]
Transgender Policy Institute is a project funded by the California Endowment.
This project is to empower and enhance the knowledge of trans and gender non-conforming individuals across the state of California.
WATCH NOW: The State of Trans Health [VIDEO]
On November 29, 2016, The California Endowment and TransLatin@ Coalition presented an evening of conversation, art, and celebration centered around supporting the health of the Trans community.