TLC is Pursuing Progress with Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Supporters and Trans siblings:

In the past three years, The Trans Latin@ Coalition accelerated progress towards improving spaces to better serve our community despite the many challenges that we have encountered as a community. We made great advances in the strategies adopted in our previous strategic plan. Some of our successes include:

  • Supporting our community through the COVID-19 pandemic,

  • Local, state, and national advocacy and representation of Trans Latin@s and the TGI community as a whole,

  • Successful Trans leadership and empowerment at the local, state nationally, and

  • The opening and infrastructure development and of TRANSgrediendo’s Center in New York, NY

We continue to analyze the importance of the adoption of inclusive language for our community and what it represents to us as an organization, as a community and as a culture. While we recognize the use of
the term Latinx in the English language, we are cognizant that does not improve the perception of Trans individuals. We have been exploring the use of the term Latine, the projection and use it has in the Spanish language. Our board will continue to explore the impact it will have in adopting its use in our organization and potential changes our organization will adopt. Stay tuned for great opportunities as we continue the cultural transformation of our communities.

The TransLatin@ Coalition Board Members

Although to date we have seen great advances that help improve the quality of life of the Trans Latin@ community, we must continue to pursue progress for our community. Crimes and atrocities against our community are not stopping, in fact, 2021 was the deadliest for our community and we must elevate our efforts to eradicate the violence that we experience. To do this, we must start to institutionalize Trans- specific, Trans-inclusive, and Trans-led spaces that will lead us to our liberation. Doing this collectively will allow us to change systems and will serve as a model for what we envision for our community in the US and globally.

In parallel with our local, state, and national work, throughout the next five years, The TransLatin@ Coalition will be investing in developing specific strategic initiatives to enhance services and infrastructure development at our Arizona, DMV, and New York, chapters while at the same time we will establish and continue to nurture multiple partnerships that will support the enhancement of services that we provide in Los Angeles to continue to support our community.

We know that we have big challenges ahead of us, but we also know that all of the work that we are set to do, we are going to accomplish if we continue to work together. We know that all of you want to build a better future for the trans community and I believe in my heart that we are going to do it with you.
Join me in improving our lives, our communities, and our future.

With Gratitude and Appreciation,

Bamby Salcedo

President and Chief Executive Officer

The TransLatin@ Coalition

Informe Anual de Servicios 2020

Hola Querides y Hermoses Hermanes,

Espero que estas palabras le encuentren con buena salud y con buen espíritu. El año pasado, nuestras comunidades, en todas partes, se vieron agitadas por una pandemia global y conmovidas a tomar acción por protestas globales. Nuestra gente es resistente. Como tal, nuestras oficinas permanecieron abiertas y continuamos ofreciendo servicios que salvan vidas a nuestra gente. De hecho, a medida que el país se cerró, con el apoyo de muches de nuestres colaboradores, duplicamos la asistencia para asegurar que nuestres hermanes Trans, Género no conforme, e Intersexual (TGI) tuvieran los servicios y recursos necesarios.

Me siento humildemente honrada de tener la oportunidad de presentar el primer Informe Anual de la Coalición Translatina. El Informe Anual 2020 culmina un año de resistencia, pérdida, esperanza y lucha para nuestra gente.

Por supuesto, no podríamos haber hecho nuestro trabajo sin el apoyo continuo y las contribuciones de todes nuestres colaboradores y personas como usted. Desde el fondo de mi corazón, GRACIAS. Que este informe sea una ofrenda a nuestres trans-cestres, a nuestres hermanes en la lucha, y a nuestres hermanes por venir. Muchas gracias por creer en nuestro trabajo y la diferencia que estamos haciendo colectivamente.

En Solidaridad y Gratitud,

Bamby Salcedo, M.A.

Presidenta & CEO
La Coalición TransLatin@

Annual Services Report 2020

Hello Dear and Beautiful Siblings,

I hope that these words find you with good health and in good spirit. This past year our communities, far and wide, were shaken up by a global pandemic and moved into action by global uprisings. Our people are resilient. As such, our offices remained open and continued to offer lifesaving services to our peoples. In fact, as the country shut down, with the support of many of our partners, we doubled the assistance to ensure our Trans, Gender non-conforming, and Intersex (TGI) siblings had the services and resources they needed.

I am humbly honored to have the opportunity to present The TransLatin@ Coalition’s first Annual Report. The 2020 Annual Report culminates a year of resistance, loss, hope, and struggle for our people.

We of course could not have done our work without the continued support and contributions of all of our partners and people like yourself and I hope that you join us at our planned educational sessions and community celebration we have planned for the launch of this report. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. May this report be an offering to our trans-cestors, our siblings in the struggle, and our siblings to come. Thank you so much for believing in our work and the difference we are collectively making.
In Solidarity and Gratitude,

Bamby Salcedo, M.A.
President & CEO
The TransLatin@ Coalition

Upcoming Events

Educational Session - March 5, 2021, at 11am PST register here:
Celebracíon Comunitaria - Abril 9, 2021 a la 7pm PST