Investing in Trans Liberation: A Call to Action for the TGI Community with an Update to Our Trans Policy Agenda
The TransLatin@ Coalition is calling for a radical shift in the approach to Trans Liberation. For too long, the needs and experiences of transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGI) individuals have been overlooked and misunderstood by external forces. It is time to reclaim our narrative and invest in solutions that are driven by and for our community. Download the full document here to learn more about how we can build a future where Trans Liberation is not just a goal but a reality.
TGI Homelessness in L.A.: A Crisis We Must Address Together
At The TransLatin@ Coalition, we have long been dedicated to researching and addressing the housing challenges faced by the transgender, gender expansive, and intersex (TGI) community in Los Angeles. Download the full report here to learn more about our research and join us in advocating for housing justice.
Shedding Light on Persistent Challenges: The Legacy of The TransVisible Report
In 2013, The TransLatin@ Coalition unveiled a groundbreaking study that brought to the forefront the harsh realities faced by Trans, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex (TGI) individuals in the United States. The report, spanning crucial areas of life, from access to identification documents to experiences with violence, served as a wake-up call to society about the systemic barriers entrenched within our institutions.
Trans Power and Resilience: Unveiling the Impact of COVID-19 on Trans, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Communities
The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) and the Department of Chicana(o)/Latina(o) Studies (CLS) at Cal State Los Angeles collaborated on addressing the impact of COVID-19 in the TGI community in Los Angeles County.
This report is a collaboration between The TransLatin@ Coalition and the Department of the Chicana/o & Latina/o Studies at Cal State LA and funded in part by the State of California Commission on The Status of Women.
The State of Trans Health β Trans Latin@s and Their Healthcare Needs
Our organization, in partnership with The California Endowment and Jacqueline Caraves embarked in a new task to amplify the needs of Trans Latin@s in the southern part of our golden state. The sole purpose of this project was to make an assessment about what are the needs that would make Trans Latin@s in southern California healthy individuals.