TGI Homelessness in L.A.: A Crisis We Must Address Together

At The TransLatin@ Coalition, we have long been dedicated to researching and addressing the housing challenges faced by the transgender, gender expansive, and intersex (TGI) community in Los Angeles. The City of Los Angeles has one of the highest rates of homelessness per capita in the U.S.; specifically, as of 2018, LA County (LAC) has the largest population of transgender individuals experiencing homelessness. 

The Los Angeles Housing Authority’s (LAHSA) 2024 survey of homelessness recorded that about 2% of the homeless people in LAC identify as TGI, though only .49% of California residents identify as TGI. Furthermore, 25% of respondents to the LAC Trans and Nonbinary (TNB) Survey reported they were homeless in 2023. Only 8% of TNB respondents to this survey report being homeowners, while 47% are renters. When actively searching for housing in the last five years, about 13% of respondents to the LAC TNB survey reported being unsuccessful. 


The top three barriers reported were credit score requirements, lack of affordable housing options, and lack of appropriate identifying documents. When asked what measures LAC should undertake to abate homelessness in the TGI community, the number one response was to make more affordable housing available.

Poverty and employment discrimination are a significant driver of the lack of ability to afford housing as 47% of TGI people in LAC live below 200% of the federal poverty level.

If you want to continue to learn more, discover how The TransLatin@ Coalition is driving transformative change at the local and national levels. Dive into our groundbreaking TGI housing report and explore the solutions we’re championing to uplift the TGI community. Join us in building a more just and equitable future by accessing the full report [here].