The TransLatin@ Coalition VP/COO Maria Roman-Taylorson speaks on executive order attacking gender affirming care for youth
President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting gender-affirming care for youth, and because of this, some California clinics have lost vital federal funding to aid people under the age of 19 to assist with gender-affirming care programs.
Comunidad LatinX - Noticiero Estrella TV [VIDEO]
Latin-x un grupo de personas que no se fijan en el género sexual de la persona sino en la bondad de sus corazones.
G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show 2017 Photo Montage [VIDEO]
A video of a collection of moments from the 2017 TransLatin@ Coalition's G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show held in Downtown LA on Nov 4th 2017.
Felicidades a el chapter de DC de La TransLatina Coalition
La Coalición TransLatin@ pide que la comunidad l@s acepte después del asesinato de dos transexuales en menos de seis meses.
Comunidad transgénero lanza campaña contra crímenes de odio y pide abrazos
Miembros de la comunidad transgénero pidieron abrazos en el centro de la ciudad y piden que los traten como a cualquier otra persona.
Bring Cristina Home
Cristina is a long time activist and friend in Los Angeles. She has helped many people and now is in a detention center because of how the system is set up and wrongly criminalizing us simply because of who we are as Trans Woman.
Trans Lives Matter National Day of Action 11/18/14
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported this movement. Watch this powerful clip!
G.A.R.R.A.S. (Ground Breaking Activism Redirecting & Reforming All Systems) is an annual fashion show and fundraiser event that highlights the Trans, Gender nonconforming community and their allies as high fashion models, designers and stylists while raising funds for the TransLatin@ Coalition.